



陈铮 厦门大学嘉庚学院环境科学与工程学院专任教师,讲师,博士















[1].Chen Zheng, Wang Yuanpeng*, Xia Dong, Jiang Xiuli, Fu Dun, Shen Liang, Wang Haitao, Li Qingbiao*. Enhanced bioreduction of iron and arsenic in sediment by biochar amendment influencing microbial community composition and dissolved organic matter content and composition [J].Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 311: 20-29.

[2].Chen Zheng, Wang Yuanpeng*, Jiang Xiuli, Fu Dun, Xia Dong, Wang Haitao, Dong Guowen, Li Qingbiao*. Dual roles of AQDS as electron shuttles for microbes and dissolved organic matter involved in arsenic and iron mobilization in the arsenic-rich sediment [J].Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 574: 1684-1694.

[3].Luo Zhuanxi*,Chen Zheng, Qiu Zhaozheng, Li Yancai, Du Laing Gijs, Liu Aifen, Yan Changzhou*.Gold and silver nanoparticle effects on ammonia-oxidizing bacteria cultures under ammoxidation [J].Chemosphere, 2015, 120: 737-742.

[4].Yao Duoxi,Chen Zheng*, Zhao Kui, Yang Qing, Zhang Wenying. Limitation and challenge faced to the researches on environmental risk of nanotechnology [J].Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2013, 18: 149-56.

[5].Shen Liang, Jiang Xiuli,Chen Zheng, Dun Fue, Qingbiao Li, Tong Ouyang*, Yuanpeng Wang*.Chemical reactive features of novel amino acids intercalated layered double hydroxides in As(III) and As(V) adsorption [J].Chemosphere. 2017.(DOI:org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.02.100)

[6].Fu Dun,Chen Zheng, Xia Dong, Shen Liang, Wang Yuanpeng, Li Qingbiao*. A novel solid digestate-derived biochar-Cu NP composite activating H2O2 system for simultaneous adsorption and degradation of tetracycline [J].Environmental Pollution. 2017, 221:301-310.

[7].Li Heng, Ke Lanting,Chen Zheng, Feng Guangjing, Xia Dong, Wang Yuanpeng, Zheng Yanmei*, Li Qingbiao*.Estimating the fates of Cand N in various anaerobic codigestions of manure and lignocellulosic biomass based on artificial neural networks [J].Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30 (11): 9490-501.

[8].Luo Zhuanxi*, Qiu Zhaozheng,Chen Zheng, Du Laing Gijs, Liu Aifen, Yan Changzhou*. Impact of TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles at predicted environmentally relevant concentrations on ammonia-oxidizing bacteria cultures under ammonia oxidation [J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(4): 2891-99.

[9].Jiang Xiuli, Peng Changjun, Fu Dun,Chen Zheng, Shen Liang, Li Qingbiao, Ouyang Tong*, Wang Yuanpeng*. Removal of arsenate by ferrihydrite via surface complexation and surface precipitation [J].Applied Surface Science, 2015, 353: 1087-94.

[10].Xia Dong, Tan Fen, Zhang Chuanpan, Jiang Xiuli,Chen Zheng, Li Heng, Zheng Yanmei, Li Qingbiao, Wang Yuanpeng*.ZnCl2-activated biochar from biogas residue facilitates aqueous As(III) removal [J].Applied Surface Science, 2016, 377: 361-69.

[11].陈铮,罗专溪*,颜昌宙,姚多喜.SHMP分散配制用于环境风险模拟研究的纳米ZnO颗粒溶胶 [J].环境科学研究, 2012, 25(8): 927-932.

[12].陈铮,罗专溪*,姚多喜,颜昌宙.纳米二氧化钛环境风险模拟研究的溶胶配制方法 [J].无机盐工业, 2012, 44(10): 14-17. (中文核心)

[13].陈铮,姚多喜*,杨清.浅谈中国雨水资源化利用与发展 [J].人文社科论坛, 2011, 6 (179): 82-84.

[14].陈铮,姚多喜*,赵魁.以改性污泥与牡蛎壳的复合物作燃煤固硫剂的可行性研究 [J].矿业科学技术, 2011, 39 (4): 45-48.

[15].杨清,姚多喜*,张治国,陈铮.煤矿复垦区重金属与土壤酶活性的研究 [J].煤炭技术, 2010, 21(2): 6-9.

[16].陈益宾*,陈文韬,陈铮,郭惠煌.废弃牡蛎壳和污泥作为燃煤固硫剂的实验研究[J].福建师大福清分校学报, 2012, (2), 45-49.







