





郭璇 厦门大学嘉庚学院环境科学与工程学院专任教师,副教授,博士


2003.102007.6:西安科技大学获得工学学士学位; 2008.42010.3:日本国立岐阜大学获得工学硕士学位; 2010.32013.3:日本国立岐阜大学获得工学博士学位。




1. Xuan GUO, Jiefeng LI and Fusheng LI, Adsorption Behavior of Estrogen and Antibiotics in Granular Activated Carbon Columns, Environmental Engineering Research, Vol. 46, pp. 155-163, 2009.

2. Xuan GUO, Fusheng LI, Denny HELARD, Toshiyuki KAWAGUCHI, Biodegradation of Natural Estrogens by Biofilms from Biological Activated Carbon: Effect of Temperature, Journal of Water Resource and Protection,2012.(In press)

3 程爱华, 郭璇, 李富生, 生物活性炭去除水中天然有机物的性能研究,水处理技术, Vol. 37, No. 10, pp. 83-85, 2011

4. 程爱华, 郭璇, 李富生, 天然有机物共存时生物活性炭对17b-雌二醇的去除, 环境工程学报, 2011. (In press).



1. Guo Xuan, Li Fusheng and Yoshimura Chihiro, Adsorption of 17β-estradiol by Activated Carbons Preloaded with NOM, 日本土木学会中部支部研究発表会, pp. 519-520, 2009 (名古屋).

2. Guo Xuan and Li Fusheng, Adsorption behavior of estrogen and antibiotics on activated carbon preloaded with NOM, Proceedings of the Eleventh International summer symposium11th International Summer Symposium, 日本土木学会,pp .301-3042009 .

3. Xuan Guo, Fusheng Li, Effect of preloaded-NOM on the adsorption of 17β-estradiol, the 6th International Conference on Interfaces Against Pollution, pp. 161-162, 2010.(北京)

4. Xuan Guo, Fusheng Li, Yuuki Tozaki, Residual adsorbability of GAC and BAC columns for removal of 17β-estradiol and natural organic matter, 62回日本全国水道研究发表会演讲概要集, pp. 732-733, 2011. (大阪)





3. 20119月至201110月,实习于岐阜县环境管理技术中心。

4. 20104月至20133月,博士课程在读期间担任指导教师研究助手。

5. 20134月至20137月,任岐阜大学特别研究辅佐员。

6. 20138月加入厦门大学嘉庚学院环境科学与工程系,现任讲师。